United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Shishukunj MUN 2016


Ishaan Nyati


Vice Chairperson

Nitya Vyas

Vice Chairperson


Fatema Malik


Dear Delegates,

I am Ishaan Nyati and I will be serving as the chairperson of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for the second iteration of the Shishukunj MUN.
I am a 10th grader and wish to study law in the further course of education. I think of myself as an easy going introvert. I contemplate a lot and like to write (rather type) down my thoughts-however, I rarely publish them. I am a tech geek and an audiophile. I believe in the motto that a little great is better than a lot of good and pride myself on being an avid reader and a grammar Nazi. I have been MUNning since a long time now, but I know that there is still a lot to learn.
As the chair of a junior committee, I have prepared well and hope that all my delegates have too. Since it is the UNESCO, I hope that delegates know better than to bicker and accuse, and come up with great solutions for protection of cultural heritage from extremism. I know the agenda sounds a bit boring but that doesn't undermine its necessity in the contemporary world. It is imperative to protect heritage as it is the root to most things we see around us.
For me, an MUNner is one who has a clear idea of what the problem is, and how it has to be tackled. A delegate must always attend to his/her stance on the agenda and stay firm on it. Junior delegates must not think of MUNs as a competition, but as a platform to bring forth their creativity, and further enhance it.
Queries will be dissolved at unesco@shishukunjmun.com. Meet you at the conference.
Best wishes
Ishaan Nyati
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Shishukunj MUN 2016


Protection of Cultural Heritage in Areas Affected by Extremism

Different cultures face a new problem of destruction due to extremism.Extremist organizations bring forth their own beliefs and ideologies onto cultural representations- the heritage. This is not only leading to huge sentimental losses but also historical losses to the world. Extremist feelings against beliefs have led to great strifes all across the world. Cities such as Sana'a have been razed to the ground. Historical and pilgrimage sites such as those in Palmyra have been destroyed beyond repair. And the heritage being harmed is not limited to artefacts. People in Kashmir have been displaced upto several hundred miles from their homes. Others have just faced near extinction in some regions due to not supporting a faction in society. This needs to stop and the UNESCO sits to provide all parts of the world that have been affected support and reimbursement.

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